A well-designed and managed maintenance program is a major contributor to the performance and profitability of a business. The days of managing work orders, assets and maintenance using paper and spreadsheets are quickly vanishing..
Welcome to the home of reliability improvement; RELIABILITY CONNECT! The community is designed to provide you with educational articles, videos, and podcasts...
It is easy to get confused by the difference between APM and ASM. Both are essential to asset management and performance and can help you build a culture of reliability.....
Managing your maintenance and facilities operations using spreadsheets can be costing you more money than you think! Spreadsheets are part of a standard computer software package and are easily available..
Give me the number of poles and I can tell you the RPM; give me the RPM and I can tell you the number of poles. This instructional presentation discusses the formulas related to determining theses values...
Traditional electrical maintenance practices, such as tightening and Megger testing, are all designed to do one thing: prove that the system is safe and meets the operational requirements of the plant. But shutdown calendar-based maintenance is a complete waste of money...
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