We want silver bullets and quick results. Indeed, if we know what we are looking for, some quick wins are usually possible, yet they will usually only scratch the surface when it comes to overall payback potential. What we see happening...
Your job is to improve reliability and you have a plan. You are certainly on the right track with your plan and the actions you will take should indeed make some improvement. But are you on the right track...
Most of my firm’s clients are in the private sector but occasionally we do some public sector work. We usually notice a number of distinct differences in practices and in what motivates those practices...
Accountants will like the emphasis on profits but they cannot lose sight of the need to invest. Excessive focus on costs reduces the energy put into the system and allows its entropy (chaos) to increase. Failing to invest enough destabilizes...
Cloud computing is increasingly becoming critical to business, especially as digital technologies like IIoT become widespread. Gartner predicts that in the next year, the cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS) market will grow 85%, five times faster than traditional software...
Engineers are familiar with the concept of “entropy” and the laws of thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system always increases over time. So what does that mean for us in the world of asset management and maintenance...
If you can’t sell all you can produce, then reducing costs is often the only way to improve margins, but that simplistic accounting perspective is not always the case. Cost control is often thought to be key to attaining profitability, but in the case of maintenance it can get you into trouble...
If a company asks for an assessment, it is often because it already knows that it is under-performing. The assessment may help to quantify that, but it has some downsides...
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