CONNECT Conversations  

Reliability Problems – Are We Really Solving Them?

Ron Moore | Contributing Host, RELIABILITY CONNECT


Most organizations talk about defect elimination and root cause analysis, and many have a good process for either or both of these. But are we really dedicating the time and resources needed for effective and sustainable defect elimination? Do we have a documented business process for defect elimination (who, what, when etc.) In this podcast we discuss the value of having a well structure defect elimination and RCA process with key trained people within that process.

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About the Author

Ron Moore Contributing Host, RELIABILITY CONNECT
  • Author of 1) Making Common Sense Common Practice; 2) What Tool? When? A Management Guide; 3) Where Do We Start Our Improvement Program?; 4) Business Fables & Foibles; 5) A Common Sense Approach to Defect Elimination; 6) Our Transplant Journey; and 70+ papers
  • Authority on strategies and practices for operational excellence
  • Clients in North & South America, Australia, Europe, Asia, Africa,
  • Managing Partner of The RM Group, Inc. for 27 years
  • Prior to consulting – President of Computational Systems, Inc. (CSI)