CONNECT Conversations  

Reliability in Design – Are OEMs Doing Enough?

Ron Moore | Contributing Host, RELIABILITY CONNECT


According to various studies, most capital projects over run their budget and schedule, and anecdotal evidence suggests that most projects are not designed for reliability. In this particular we’ll provide a broad summary of the status of capital projects being design for reliability of an operating plant, and then specifically focus on OEMs and the reliability of their equipment or service.

The question for then becomes – If you purchase a new asset, production line, or build a new factory, are OEM’s delivering reliability in the design, or does the production capacity fail to be achieved following installation? Is the equipment suffering from unexpected failures or stoppages? If so, what role does the OEM play in the design, installation, startup, and commissioning of a new set of capital equipment? In this podcast we will discuss the value of having OEMs Design for Reliability, and the benefits of having an excellent process in your organization, one that includes both your organization, OEMs, and other contractors.

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About the Author

Ron Moore Contributing Host, RELIABILITY CONNECT
  • Author of 1) Making Common Sense Common Practice; 2) What Tool? When? A Management Guide; 3) Where Do We Start Our Improvement Program?; 4) Business Fables & Foibles; 5) A Common Sense Approach to Defect Elimination; 6) Our Transplant Journey; and 70+ papers
  • Authority on strategies and practices for operational excellence
  • Clients in North & South America, Australia, Europe, Asia, Africa,
  • Managing Partner of The RM Group, Inc. for 27 years
  • Prior to consulting – President of Computational Systems, Inc. (CSI)