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Integrating Motor Circuit Analysis Into Your Maintenance Program

Bill Kruger | Training Technical Manager, ALL-TEST Pro
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Webinar Description

Maintenance departments are constantly looking for programs, methods and techniques to reduce maintenance costs, increase productivity, and prevent unscheduled or unwanted shutdowns. One the easiest and most effective methods to achieve these goals is to routinely test new, spare and operating motors in the de-energized state. Common industry practice is to apply a DC voltage to the machine’s ground wall insulation system, to determine the condition of only one the machine’s 2 insulation systems. Although this is a very critical measurement for safe operation of the machine, studies have determined that ground faults only contribute to 6% of all induction motor faults. And only 17% of electrical faults are associated with the winding system faults. That means that 83% of the electrical faults associated with the stator windings go undetected.  A simple 3-minute non-destructive test using motor circuit analysis (MCA™) fully energizes these winding insulation systems and quickly identifies the very small changes that occur in the winding insulation systems.

Studies show that 83% of electrical winding faults are between conductors. Motor circuit analysis (MCA) is a simple 3-minute non-destructive test that exercises the complete insulation system to quickly and accurately identify very small changes that occur very early in the failure curve. This free webinar presents the basic principles behind this technology and how to implement your own effective de-energized motor testing program.

Learning Takeaways

1. Learn and understand the benefits of de-energized motor testing
2. Basic understanding of the principles behind motor circuit analysis
3. Learn the types of faults and benefits of MCA versus other de-energized testing methods

About the Presenter

William Kruger joined ALL-TEST Pro as the Technical Manager in 2005. Since joining ATP, Bill has traveled the world teaching the Theory and Application of Motor Diagnostics, helping Fortune 500 Companies implement Predictive Maintenance Programs. In 2010 Bill’s proven instructional techniques earned him the new title of Training Technical Manager.

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Zakir Hussain
Zakir Hussain
5 years ago

I think this is wrong calculations.
In my opinion,
1-30%motors become stator fault due to under raining selection wrt temperature class.
2- 5% stator faults due to wrong IP standers by menufecturere (motor sealing)
3- 10% motors bearing broken fault become stator fault.
4-10% dry to not proper protection against wrong loads.
5– 5% motors fail due to any unbalance voltages.

About the Author

Bill Kruger Training Technical Manager, ALL-TEST Pro

William Kruger joined ALL-TEST Pro, LLC as the Technical Manager in 2005. Since joining ATP, Bill has traveled the world teaching the Theory and Application of Motor Diagnostics, helping Fortune 500 Companies implement Predictive Maintenance Programs. In 2010 Bill’s proven instructional techniques earned him the new title of Training Technical Manager.

Before joining ALL-TEST Pro, LLC Bill Kruger worked in many different aspects of the Engineering and Maintenance Fields. Bill worked as an Electrician in the US Navy Nuclear Submarine Program. He has completed the Journeyman Electrician Program and started one of the first Predictive Maintenance Programs in the Utility Industry. Bill Kruger holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from San Diego University.

With his combined work in the field as well as with ALL-TEST Pro, Bill has over 40 years of proven experience in the practical engineering and predictive maintenance field.