We want to make it very easy for you to access the content that best meets your needs, based on the time you have available and the nature of your requirements.
The Two-Minute Tips (2MT) are brief, focused tips that should help you to solve or avoid a problem. The intention is for the video to be complete within three minutes; however some do run just a little bit longer…
The Five-Minute Facts (5MF) are brief, focused videos that explain a specific point in approximately five minutes. It is true that it would be ideal to have more than five minutes to explain these points, but everyone is busy. So many cases, there may be a five-minute fact video and a more detailed video that may be 30 minutes or even an hour long. You can decide how much you need to know about that topic.
The Nine-Minutes of Knowledge (9MoK) are also brief, focused videos that explain a concept, theory, principle, or anything else that we believe you would be interested in, but don’t have time to explore in great detail at this time. These videos may provide refresher training on something you are already familiar with, and they may give you an introduction to a topic that you were previously unfamiliar with.