Asset Strategy
Performance-Centered Asset Management (P-CAM)
The Performance Centered Asset Management concept is designed to optimize the inherent value of the assets in terms of Safety, Environment and Business.
- Pascal Clement
How People-Centric Technology Improves Asset Management
Improving asset management in any organization not only requires effective leadership and a strategy, but also engagement from end users and other people involved with the program(s). In general, technology offers solutions to stay competitive and discover new business opportunities.
- Graham Heiner
- Movilitas
Why We Do What We Do- Reliability Passion- Infinite Goals
Todays podcast is a little different to our usual talking points however we feel everyone listening to this can relate if you are in reliability. We feel that in the reliability community a lot of my connections and listeners care for the culture and practice.
- Will Bower
- Maintain CM Ltd
How PMO Fits into Asset Strategy
Brendon Ross describes how PMO fits into asset strategy…
- Brendon Russ
- U.S. Sugar
Asset Strategies
Many organizations suffer higher costs and lower productivity than is possible. They react to equipment health problems. They don’t have good plans on how to best care for equipment. Without a good plan, or if unable to execute the plan, it is nearly impossible to get ahead of the maintenance cycle of doom, or to keep from falling back into it.
- Tom Moriarty
- Alidade MER, Inc.
How to Perform PMO
You might have tens of thousands of assets, and those assets have tens of thousands of PMs. You won’t be able to devour the entire elephant at once and will have to take one bite at a time, so that’s where…
- Brendon Russ
- U.S. Sugar
5 Ways Machine Learning Improves Asset Performance in Power Plants
A 500 MW power plant generates about 10,000 data points every second. It’s impossible for humans to review all this data and use it to optimize plant performance.
- Mohan Amasa
- AssetSense
The Relation between Maintenance and Reliability
“Maintenance” and “Reliability” terms are frequently mentioned together because there is a strong bond between them, and this bond is so strong that many people don’t differentiate between maintenance and reliability!
- Ahmed Kotb
- Self-employed
Reliability Journey – From Reactive to Proactive Asset Health Management
Allied Reliability discusses the business challenge, solution, and business impact of the US Chemical Company's reliability journey.
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