
Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices, Second Edition
Ramesh Gulati Winner of first prize (Gold Award) in the RGVA book competition in Maintenance & Reliability at MARTS/Chicago in 2011. “I have been a student of M&R for many years, though always in non-technical positions as a professional marketer for …

Basics of Fleet Maintenance
Basic of Fleet Maintenance is designed for anyone who is involved with operating or maintaining mobile equipment. This book is written in a clear, straight forward style as it identifies important issues for managing Fleet Maintenance in today’s environment. In …

Lubrication for Industry, 2nd Edition
With over 70% of bearing failures attributed to ineffective lubrication practices, no one involved in asset management can afford to pass up this new edition! As a clear, concise, practical introduction to the world of industrial lubrication, the second edition …

Maintenance Management
Now in its second edition and written by a highly acclaimed maintenance professional, this comprehensive and easy-to-understand resource provides a short review of all the major discussions going on in the management of the maintenance function. This revision of a …

The Reliability Excellence Workbook From Ideas to Action
The Reliability Excellence Workbook covers reliability (and other 4-letter words) in the context of creating a master strategy of continuous improvement. Think of it as a truly interactive workbook—like MadLibs™ for maintenance and reliability professionals. Reading this book is like having a seasoned …

Uptime: Strategies for Excellence in Maintenance Management, Third Edition
Uptime describes the combination of activities that deliver fewer breakdowns, improved productive capacity, lower costs, and better environmental performance. The bestselling second edition of Uptime has been used as a textbook on maintenance management in several postsecondary institutions and by many companies …

Managing Factory Maintenance
Tap into Joel Levitt’s vast array of experience and learn how to improve almost any aspect of your maintenance organization (including your own abilities)! This new edition of a classic first educates readers about the globalization of production and the …

Maintenance and Reliability Certification Exam Guide
Print on Demand books. Takes 10 – 14 days from time of order to produce. Overview In the fields of maintenance & reliability, there are a number of certifications that “M&R” professionals may take to help further their careers, whether …

Physical Asset Management for the Executive
Proper management of physical assets remains as the single largest business improvement opportunity in the 21st Century. Based upon the U.S. Census Bureau, an 1979 maintenance study performed by MIT and recent reliability and maintenance studies, the size of the …
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