Reliability Gang  

AI and Condition Monitoring

Will Bower | Director of Reliability, Maintain CM Ltd

Hi #Reliabilitygang ! We asked you guys what you wanted to hear from us and you decided that we talk about AI and how it will effect the world of condition monitoring. We talk about the influence of AI on Vibration Analysis and how we believe how the future will look. We also discuss the concerns of machine learning and also the benefits and what it means for the future.

We hope you enjoy this episode!

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Amir Mohamed
Amir Mohamed
10 months ago

To add on to this topic, after reading about IIot and industry 4.0, what in near future is going to be is that all the parameters related to the machine is collected by smart sensors, whether its vibration,oil level, temp etc and it is fed into a network ,with the feedback loop system which trained by advanced AI module the machine itself can take prelimanary action like lubrication or notify the responsible Engineer or technician what has to be done. Basically the idea behind is that machine is very efficient than humans in information transfer.

About the Author

Will Bower Director of Reliability, Maintain CM Ltd

Passionate About Reliability

Vibration Analysis CAT 3 | Thermal Imaging CAT 1 | Ultrasound CAT 1 | Lubrication CAT 1 | Laser Alignment